Peer-Reviewed Publications
Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Rütgen, M., Sladky, R., & Lamm, C. (2022)."Effective connectivity reveals distinctive patterns in response to others’ genuine affective experience of disgust." NeuroImage. 119404.
(link to the article)Kreis, I., Zhang, L., Mittner, M., Syla, L., Lamm, C., & Pfuhl, G. (2020)."Aberrant uncertainty processing is linked to psychotic-like experiences, autistic traits and reflected in pupil dilation." OSFPreprints.
(link to the article)Kutlikova, H.H., Zhang, L., Eisenegger, C., van Honk, J., & Lamm, C. (2022)."Testosterone eliminates strategic prosocial behavior." bioRxiv.
(link to the article)Schmalz, X., Biurrun Manresa, J., & Zhang, L. (2021)."What Is a Bayes Factor?." Psychological Methods.
(link to the article)Mitter, B., Zhang, L., Bauer, P., Baca, A., Tschan, H. (2023)."Modelling the relationship between load and repetitions to failure in resistance training: A Bayesian analysis." Eur J Sport Sci.23(7):1203-1213.
(link to the article)Pan, Y., Vinding, M.C., Zhang, L., Lundqvist, D., Olsson, A. (2023). "A Brain-To-Brain Mechanism for Social Transmission of Threat Learning." Advanced Science.10(28):e2304037.
(link to the article)Peng M., Duan Q., Yang X., Tang R., Zhang L., Zhang H.& Li, X. (2024). "The influence of social feedback on reward learning in the Iowa gambling task." Front. Psychol..
(link to the article)Ahn, W.-Y., Haines, N., & Zhang, L. (2017)."Revealing neurocomputational mechanisms of reinforcement learning and decision-making with the hBayesDM package." Computational Psychiatry.
(link to the article)Hu, Y., He, L., Zhang, L., Wölk, T., Dreher, J. C., & Weber, B. (2018). "Spreading inequality: Neural computations underlying paying-it-forward reciprocity." Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 13(6).
(link to the article)Sohail, A., Zhang, L. (2024). "Informing the treatment of social anxiety disorder with computatioal and neuroimaging data." Psychoradiology.
(link to the article)Zhang, L., Redžepović, S., Rose, M., & Gläscher, J. (2018)."Zen and the Art of Making a Bayesian Espresso." Neuron. 98(6).
(link to the article)Zhou, L., Li. AM., Zhang, L., Li, S., & Liang, ZY. (2019)."Similarity in processes of risky choice and intertemporal choice: The case of certainty effect and immediacy effect." Acta Psychologica Sinica. 51(3).
(link to the article)Bayer, J., Rusch, T., Zhang, L., Gläscher, J., & Sommer, T. (2020)."Dose-dependent effects of estrogen on prediction error related neural activity in the nucleus accumbens of healthy young women." Psychopharmacology. 237(3).
(link to the article)Zhang, L., Lengersdorff, L., Mikus, N., Gläscher, J., & Lamm, C. (2020)." Using reinforcement learning models in social neuroscience: frameworks, pitfalls, and suggestions of best practices." Social cognitive and affective neuroscience. 15(6).
(link to the article)Botvinik-Nezer, R., Holzmeister, F., Camerer, C. F., …, Zhang, L., …, Nichols T. E., Poldrack, R. A., Schonberg T. (2020). "Variability in the analysis of a single neuroimaging dataset by many teams." Nature.
(link to the article)Zhang, L., Gläscher, J. (2020)."A brain network supporting social influences in human decision-making." Science Advances. 6(34).
(link to the article)Crawley, D., Zhang, L., Emily, J., …, den Ouden, H., Loth, E., & the EU-AIMS LEAP group (2020)."Modeling cognitive flexibility in autism spectrum disorder and typical development reveals comparable developmental shifts in learning mechanisms." PLOS Biology. 18(10).
(link to the article)Zhou, L., Zou, T., Zhang, L., Zhang, Y. Y., & Liang, Z.-Y. (2021)."“Carpe diem?”: Disjunction effect of incidental affect on intertemporal choice." Frontiers in Psychology. 5896.
(link to the article)Zhao, Y., Rütgen, M., Zhang, L., & Lamm, C. (2021). "Pharmacological fMRI provides evidence for opioidergic modulation of discrimination of facial pain expressions." Psychophysiology. e13717.
(link to the article)Zhao, Y., Zhang, L., Rütgen, M., Sladky, R., Lamm, C. (2021)."Neural dynamics between anterior insular cortex and right supramarginal gyrus dissociate genuine affect sharing from perceptual saliency of pretended pain." Elife. 10:e69994.
(link to the article)Falck, J., Zhang, L., Raffington, L., Mohn, J.J., Triesch, J., Heim, C., Shing, Y.L. (2024). "Hippocampus and striatum show distinct contributions to longitudinal changes in value-based learning in middle childhood." eLife 12:RP89483.
(link to the article)Conference Proceedings
Zhang, L., Kandil, F., Hilgetag, C.C., & Gläscher, J. (2019). "The causal role of temporoparietal junction in computing social influence in human decision-making." Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN 2019)”.
(link to the article)Preprints/Under review
Zhou, L., Zhang, L., Su, Y., & Liang, ZY. (2019)."Is zero void? Attentional mechanism of hidden-zero effect in risky decision-making." PsyArXiv.
(link to the article)Wanke, P., Geng, H., Zhang, L., Fengler, A., Frank, M.J., Zhang, R., Chuan-Peng, H. (2022). "A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Bayesian Hierarchical Drift-Diffusion Modeling with dockerHDDM".
(link to the article)Xu, T., Zhang, L., Zhou, F., Fu, K., Gan, X., …, Becker, B.(2024). "Distinct neural computations scale the violation of expected reward and emotion in social transgression .".
(link to the article)Su, Z., Garvert, M., Zhang, L., Manohar, S.G., Vogel, T.A., Thomas, L., … Lockwood, P. (2024). "Older adults are more susceptible to impulsive social influence.".
(link to the article)Steininger, M.O., White, M.P., Lengersdorff,L., Zhang,.L., Smalley,A.J., Kühn,S., Lamm, C. (2024). "Nature exposure induces hypoalgesia by acting on nociception-related neural processing".
(link to the article)Zhang, L., Kandil, F., Zhao, K., Fu, X., Lamm, C., Hilgetag, C., Glascher, J. (2024). "A causal role of the human left temporoparietal junction in computing social influence during goal-directed learning".
(link to the article)Sohail, A., Zhang, L. (2024). "Using large language models to facilitate academic work in psychological sciences".
(link to the article)